Thursday, 26 March 2015

EPQ Presentation

This is my EPQ presentation which I presented to the class about what I've learnt through my journey, what was successful about the whole project and what wasn't. I've also added a bit of an ice break activity to interact with the audience so they wouldn't look so bored while I presented my findings.


Sunday, 1 March 2015

There may be a change of plans...

The original plan for my artefact was to create a music magazine poster ad for the product... However, with the latest issues of pop magazines; there has rarely been any new perfume adverts in the magazine so it would be quite difficult to analyse the style in order to imitate it (such as knowing what conventions of a perfume advert involve) so... I might have to create in its place; a perfume leaflet ad if I'm unable to find a perfume magazine ad to use as influence.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Research - Packaging designs targeted at teengers


Justin Bieber's perfume is designed particularly to target the audience consisting of teenage girls since when his music career has a fan-base consisting of mainly teenage girls. This product is specifically targeted at his fans in a way to test their dedication to the male singer and they are persuaded to believe to be a true fan of him by buying his merchandise which will include this perfume he released.


Vera Wang is a well-known fashion brand especially in the wedding industry. Their fashion consists of mainly providing the most elegant of wedding gowns to those women who are going to be brides. Even more specifically, their fashion brand has a target audience for women between the ages of mid 20s to late 30s. However, even though the wedding gowns aren't targeted at teenagers (since there are fewer teenagers getting married nowadays) specifically, they have a perfume brand that young girls can have under the brand name. Since the brand is well-known, teenage girls who are brand enthusiasts may purchase this product in order to be with the 'in-crowd' among their friends. Also, most teenage girls tend to fantasise on having their own wedding so why not purchase a perfume to make them feel closer towards having their dream or to help them fantasise even more as to what their own wedding day will be. Plus, the name "Princess" can be used to define a girl before she gets married to her prince (fiancé) and then becomes a 'queen'.


One Direction's first ever perfume released is 'Our Moment' and which their product is targeted towards teenage girls due to their fan-base for their music, consists of mainly teenage girls. One Direction is one of the most biggest boy bands known on a global scale so not only will their merchandise that has their face plastered on them is targeted to teenage girls but they're also targeted at all the teenage girls around the world! Fans of One Direction can display their dedication to the boy band by purchasing their merchandise which will also include their perfumes they release.


Wonderstruck is a perfume released by the country-pop singer, Taylor Swift. Her fan-base as a solo musician also consists mainly teenage girls so this is the perfect product for those who are her fans. Once again, the dedication and devotion to the singer can be tested by the fans if they buy her merchandise by her or with her on them. However, Taylor Swift's personality could be represent through the designs by telling her audience that she is quite an elegant person with a fashion-taste for formal dresses and such. The packaging with the bottle itself compliment each other since they're both elegant looking and also, quiet expensive. This could be used among teenage girls to advertise their wealth by purchasing this perfume. Teenage girls may also see Taylor Swift as an inspiration and may even aspire to be like her so by believing that purchasing her perfume could make them seem more like her in a way.


  1. They all use very similar colour schemes consisting of very stereotypical female colours such as pink and purple. This could mean that their target audiences may fit with the characteristics of a stereotypical teenage female audience, making it easier to sell the product since there will be a majority of the teenage female audience that will conform to those stereotypes and be appealed to the product.
  2. The majority of the perfume products targeted at teenage girls are by famous music artists that have a fan-base consisting of teenage girls (a selling point).
  3. They use symbolic shapes such as the crown for the lid of the perfume (Vera Wang and One Direction Perfume), rose petals in the shape of hearts for the lid (Justin Bieber Perfume).

Monday, 23 February 2015

Planning - Rough Sketches for Poster

Design Idea 1

The shots I wanted to use for this idea were close up shots of each of the boys then their heads will be cropped and placed around the perfume bottle which will be the main focus of the whole poster. The name of the perfume and the name of the band will be displayed under the perfume in order to label it. The background would've used the style of the rays of the sun with the main colour pink and the bottle may be on a black table with white typography to allow the name to be bold.

Design 2

Following with the photography style used in design 1, I wanted to apply it again with the second design but with a different layout. I've decided that the focus would still be the perfume in the middle but it would only be noticed if the boys got noticed by the audience (since this is a celebrity endorsed product). The colour scheme will still follow with pink, white and black while the photography layout for the boys will be their faces in an individual part each.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Research - Target Audience Survey Analysis

This is the survey that I undertook with a secondary school. The survey sample consisted of 6 pupils from each year group from 7 to 13.

These are the results I obtained from carrying out this survey.


Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Research - Target Audience Research Survey

I've decided to carry out an online survey with the year groups 7 to 13 in my sixth form and I'll only be asking females since the project is about finding out what makes a successful marketing campaign targeted to teenage girls from ages 13 to 18 years old.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Research - Top 10 Most Effective Marketing Techniques STATS

A small survey for businesses was taken in 2012 which reveals the top 10 most effective marketing strategies.

  1. Email marketing – 83%
  2. Website (content and SEO) – 71%
  3. In-person interactions – 68%
  4. Social media – 49%
  5. Events 41%
  6. Outbound calling – 33%
  7. PR – 22%
  8. Direct mail – 21%
  9. Traditional advertising (TV, radio, print, etc.) – 17%
  10. Pay-per-click – 17%

This results suggest that inbound marketing is above the 50% margin while traditional marketing is becoming less effective on the consumers nowadays which means it has less of an impact on the business.

"The Internet, through the use of search, has changed how people purchase goods and services."
Meaning, "Consumers now are in full control of the information they get and how they get it."
Businesses will need to make sure that the information that's presented to them is valuable and meets standards with the product they're being advertised with. Consumers nowadays can also comment and review on the experience with the product which can either lead to a positive way to market the product or generate no to very little income for it.

It's quite logical. Consumers are able to see customer's reviews on the product (if it's been been posted publicly online) and this will also influence on their decision whether to purchase the product or not.

Consumers have the power to help a business or to destroy them now so businesses need to make sure that advertise and state their message of the product correctly to the consumers in order for it to be a success.
